Save your Battery!

by John Barron July 12, 2016

Battery Life. The dreaded scourge of Pokemon Go. This app uses Data, your GPS, and your camera, all at once! So, how do you possibly save your battery?

Well, the best way I found is to cut down on your data - that tends to use the most battery life, and for those of us on the Canadian side of the border, Data is EXPENSIVE! Luckily, there's an easy way to do this. Pokemon Go uses the Google API to generate content. So, it's constantly downloading maps of your area as you move around. Simple solution: Download your map locally to your device! This doesn't prevent data usage - the app still connects with remote servers and updates local gyms, pokestops, etc - but the actual map itself? Saved handily in your phone for easy access. Does this work? Yes! Maybe! Can't hurt! Here's how, in three easy steps:


Happy Hunting!



**Full disclosure: One Google engineer has said this won't work; but offered no reason for it or explanation of the flawed logic - However multiple users have noticed a decrease in battery drain - this could be placebo effect, Niantic updates, or magic. My local map took a minimal amount of storage, and quite frankly should already have been downloaded anyways. 

John Barron
John Barron


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Also in Pokehunting

Local hunting
Local hunting

by John Barron July 09, 2016

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